ì œì¶œ ë‚ ì§œ | 시간 | 메모리 |
2021/01/15 | 104 ms | 12 MB |
// 1345. Jump Game IV
// minJumps function finds the number of jumps to reach finish point.
// The player can jump to 1 step backward and forward, the point which number is same.
// Thus, there are 3 cases for each step. This will be solved by the BFS Queueing.
// For each queueing is for a 1 step, and checks whether reaching to the final point is possible or not.
// If it is, return the steps. Or enque the possible 3 cases from the point.
// The queued 3 cases will be processed on the next step naturally (the cases on the same step will be proessed first due to the queue).
// Not to visit the duplicated point, visitd slice has been used.
// Also, for jumping to the same value, position hash map has been used.
// The position map always have to be resovled only once the value entered. Thus, resolved hash map has been used.
func minJumps(arr []int) int {
steps := 0
queue := append([]int{}, 0)
visited := make([]bool, len(arr))
resolved := make(map[int]bool)
position := make(map[int][]int)
visited[0] = true
for i, v := range arr {
if _, ok := position[v]; !ok {
position[v] = make([]int, 0)
position[v] = append(position[v], i)
for len(queue) > 0 {
sizeOfSameSteps := len(queue)
for sizeOfSameSteps > 0 {
index := queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
if index == len(arr)-1 {
return steps
if !resolved[arr[index]] {
resolved[arr[index]] = true
for _, i := range position[arr[index]] {
if index != i {
queue = append(queue, i)
visited[i] = true
if index+1 < len(arr) && !visited[index+1] {
queue = append(queue, index+1)
visited[index+1] = true
if index-1 >= 0 && !visited[index-1] {
queue = append(queue, index-1)
visited[index-1] = true
return -1